Your Rescue Diver Certification will put you in the know and
move you one step closer to the Master Diver or Divemaster Certification.
Course prices begin at $350.
This course trains divers in the knowledge and skills needed to manage risks and effectively handle limited in-water problems and diving emergencies. Included are: assists, transports, surface rescues and rescues from depth involving both boat and shore based skin and scuba divers. The course meets the prerequisite rescue training for Skin Diving Instructor, NAUI Assistant Instructor, Divemaster, and Instructor certifications. Note: Adult CPR training (approximately four hours) meets the requirement for Scuba Rescue Diver certification. However, additional CPR training that includes two person CPR and the use of rescue breathing barrier devices, e.g. pocket mask®, face shield, is required to meet the requirements for NAUI leadership certification.
- Graduates are considered competent to perform assists and rescues in open water provided the diving site and diving situations approximate those of the course.
- Graduates may use this certification as a prerequisite for the NAUI Training Assistant Specialty Course, Leadership Courses and Instructor Courses.
- First Aid and CPR instructors who present training in these respective skill areas during this course need not be NAUI Instructors.
- Age: Minimum is 15 years.
- Certification: Training and experience equivalent to NAUI Scuba Diver.
- CPR & First Aid Certification: If accredited First Aid and CPR certification are not offered as part of the course, current certification in both is required for certification.
- Open Water. A least one session is to be conducted in open water. An open water session involves one or more skin or scuba rescue exercises.
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